Cs онлайн в браузере

Легендарная серия игр Контр Страйк точно заинтересует всех любителей пострелять. Здесь вы найдете большой перечень подобных многопользовательских игрушек.

CS Online (CS 1.6)

CS Online (CS 1.6) — Classic FPS action. Play Counter-Strike online with other players worldwide in your browser! Counter-Strike 1.6 is one of the best-loved FPS games of all time. This title is a classic and played by millions of people around the world. Although the graphics haven’t changed in decades, the core gameplay and action remain the selling point.

In this online browser version of CS GO, players can jump straight into the action. In order to play, or to work the game, players simply have to have a modern web browser, and a mouse and keyboard. A powerful computer isn’t required, but it is advisable to have a steady internet connection.

This shooting game is a fan-made version, but features weapons, maps, and characters from the original Counter-Strike Global Offensive. Players have to move around each map and try to eliminate their opponents. They must keep moving and stay alert — enemies could be rushing towards them, or camping in a corner waiting for the kill.


To start with, players are armed with just a basic revolver and the combat knife. Those who prefer to shoot will enjoy using the revolver — shots must be accurate. Alternatively, if a player prefers to get up close and personal, the combat knife is the melee weapon of choice.

Different weapons can be picked up — players will recognize these from the Counter-Strike series. Furthermore, different maps from the original games are available to play. One map, for example, contains a large mansion with underground tunnels. Players must navigate the corridors and try to avoid eliminating civilians.

The main lobby is easy to navigate. On the left-hand side, there is a list of controls and options. Players can customize their profile and change game settings. On the right-hand side, there is a list of current game lobbies available to join. Filters are available to change which types of games are displayed.

CS Online features a myriad of different game types including the following: classic, GO, Condition Zero, Duel, FFA, Gun Game, Hide and Seek, Meat, Death Run, and AWP. Filter these game types and also see how many players are currently online.

Classic maps such as CS Dust and CS Mansion are available — this gives a great dose of nostalgia. Don’t forget to use the menu to purchase new weapons — for each kill you gain, you earn cash. This is generally the only way you can obtain new weapons in the classic game mode.

Although the graphics may look dated, the gameplay is still awesome. CS Online brings back all the fun of the original series and lets you connect with gamers from around the world who love this franchise. Jump into a server today and see how many kills you can rack up!

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Игры Контр Страйк

О Counter Strike слышал практически каждый человек. Кто-то просто наслышан из-за того что игра очень популярна, а кто-то самостоятельно играл в неё. На этой странице размещены различные игры Контр Страйк, которые идентичны легендарному CS 1.6, или же очень похожи на него по сюжету и графике. Есть два режима игры, онлайн, против реальных игроков со всего мира, или же игра против ботов. Конечно, интереснее играть против людей, ибо искусственный интеллект действует одинаково, и очень предсказуемо. Многопользовательский режим позволяет играть за террористов, или же за спецназ. Перед началом битвы вы покупаете себе набор оружия, с которым будете воевать на протяжении боя. Чем больше вы убиваете противников, тем больше вам начисляется денег. В разделе много модификаций, поэтому вы найдете игры cs go на разный вкус.


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  • https://www.crazygames.com/game/cs-online
  • http://strelyaj.ru/igry_cs

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